عالم واحد
أول وأكبر مشروع تعليمي تنموي علي مستوي العالم
ويحتوى على المواقع التالية:
شارك تعلم
موقع تعليمى مصنف و شامل جميع المجالات و الوسائط المتعددة
دليل قارات العالم السبع
دليل تجارى مصور و مصنف شامل كافة الانشطة و جميع محافظات مصر ثم الوطن العربى ثم العالم
اعلن فرى
اعلن هنا عما تجده او تفقده لتصل بسهولة و يسر لاكبر تجمع و اوسع انتشار
بليز وظفنى
تجمع ضخم للوظائف فى مختلف المجالات
المنح والهجرات
تواصل مع احدث المنح فى جميع المجالات و الدول المختلفة
نهر الحياه
قاعدة بيانات المتبرعين بالدم و طرق التواصل معهم و تسجيل بيانات المتبرعين الجدد
ابحث معي
اعلن هنا عما تجده او تفقده لتصل بسهولة و يسر لاكبر تجمع و اوسع انتشار
فى مكان واحد جميع تعريفاتك بكل سهولة و يسر
سيت اب فور اس
مجموعة من افضل و احدث البرامج فى مكان واحد بكل سهولة و يسر
مجموعة من افضل و احدث الالعاب الالكترونية الشيقة و الممتعة
كوبون أونلاين
تعرف على كل و احدث العروض اولا باول مع كوبون اون لاين
لايف تى فى فور اس
البث المباشر لمجموعة من افضل القنوات الهادفة و المتنوعة
سينما فور اس
مجموعة من افضل الاعمال الفنية و السينمائية و الكوميدية و التاريخية الهادفة
Get a Health Check
A health check list is made every time someone donates blood, which means the donor will be able to find out if his blood pressure, pulse, and other vital signs are healthy or not. So regular blood donor can potentially get a physical examination up to six times a year.
Lower Iron Levels
Giving blood leads to lowering the iron levels in the donor's body, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Reduce Cancer Risk
Homogeneous blood donation is correlated with lower risks of cancers, including liver, lung, colon, stomach and throat cancers. Risk levels dropped is related to the frequency of blood donation.
Reduce Heart Attack Risk
Donating blood improves cardiovascular health, donors who donate regularly over years have an 88 percent lower risk of heart attacks and a 33 percent lower risk of any severe cardiovascular event, such as a stroke.
Replenish Blood
Blood donation will allow the replenishment of the donor's blood supply which will help his body to function more efficiently. After donating, the human body replaces the blood volume within 48 hours of donation, and all of the red blood cells lost during donation are completely replaced within four to eight weeks. This process of replenishment can help your body stay healthy and work more efficiently and productively.
First: Temporary inhibitions:
• Blood donation during the last two months.
• fasting.
• in accident cases (postponed for a year).
• conduct a major operation (postponed for a year).
• a blood transfusion (postponed for a year).
• Tooth extraction (postponed for a year).
• Make a small surgery (postponed for a period of 6 months).
• Chinese Acupuncture (postponed for a period of 6 months).
• Dental "cleaning and filling" (postponed for a period of 6 months).
• making a tattoo (postponed for a period of 6 months).
• Ear Piercing(postponed for a period of 6 months).
• Pneumonia or the people (after full recovery).
• Iron deficiency anemia (after full recovery).
• Infection of the kidneys and urinary tract (after full recovery).
• Being around people of hepatitis (postponed for one year from the date of meeting them).
• Swollen Lymph Nodes(postponed until diagnosis and treatment).
•Malaria (postponed for a year after making sure of healing).
(In the case of donor visit to the area where the disease is spread out) postponed for three weeks after returning.
• Vaccination
Some vaccinations postponed for a period of between two weeks and years
• pregnancy and breastfeeding (postponed for a year after birth).
• Menstrual cycle (no need to postpone except in the case of increased menstrual).
• Aspirin (postponed for a period of 3 days if rolled donate blood .
• antibiotics or cortisone (postponed until the end of treatment).
Second: permanent inhibitions:
• chronic chest diseases.
• All types of anemia except iron deficiency anemia.
• other blood diseases of all kinds.
• diabetes.
• heart disease and rheumatic fever.
• cases of enlarged liver.
• schistosomiasis.
• (hepatitis A)
• Cases of kidney failure.
• cases convulsions, epilepsy, recurrent fainting.
• venereal disease (AIDS - Zuhri - Ceylon).
• increase or hypothyroidism.
• cancerous diseases.
• neurosises.
o Age: 18-60
o Weight: - more than 50 kg
o Donation rate: - female: every 4 months male: every 3 months
o Two hours before, eat a meal with iron (red meat, beans, green leafy vegetables, or nuts) and drink plenty of fluids.
o Hemoglobin: Female: more than 5. 11 males: more than 5. 12
o Hematocrit: females: more than 38 male: more than 41
o Blood pressure: Systolic (top number): 90-180 Diastolic
(lower number): 50 -100
o Pulse: a regular 50 -100 / min
o Temperature: 37.5 ° C
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