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حل مشاكل التشغيل والمعالجة فى و حدات الانتاج بحقول البترول- : اكاديمية المستقبل


- حل مشاكل التشغيل والمعالجة فى و حدات الانتاج بحقول البترول-


: اكاديمية المستقبل للتدريب




محاور البرنامج


Course Objectives:


The aim of this course is:-


o        To develop a structured approach To troubleshooting & problem


o        solving In Oil & Gas Plant.


o        To point the way to continuous improvement running process.


o        To understand work practices in troubleshooting & problem solving.


o        To improve delegate’s knowledge of the emulsion theory, emulsion formation, emulsion stability, emulsion problems in the oil production system and the solution techniques


Target Participants:


o        Production, process, Chemical & petroleum Engineers, Project Engineers,


o        Senior Operators, Maintenance & Inspection Supervisors and Process


Engineering Personnel associated with the oil industry.




o         Fundamental of oil & GAS INDUSTRY


o         Basics of hydrocarbon chemistry


o         Physical and chemical Properties of  Hydrocarbon Systems


o         well head operation and trouble shooting


o         Liquid Loading on Gas Wells


o         Separator Operation and Troubleshooting


o        .1 Foamy Crudes .2 Paraffin 


o        .3 Sand .4 Slugging 


o        - Emulsion Treatment and Dehydration of Crude Oil


o         Breaking oil/water emulsion


o         Principles of electric dehydration


o         Desalting of Crude Oil


o         Oilfield mineral scale


o         Corrosion


o         Fundamentals  & basics of corrosion :


o        - definition of corrosion


o        - corrosion damage and cost


o        - electrochemical aspects


o        - environment effects


o        - metallurgical aspects


o        - Types and forms of corrosion:


Process Troubleshooting In Oil & Gas Plant& Problem Solving.


o        material selection


o        alteration of environment


o        design


o        cathodes and anodic protection


o        coatings


Treatment Troubles and Chemical For Treatment


o        Corrosion Inhibitors.


o        Scale Trouble and Scale Inhibitor.


o         Hydrate Formation & Prevention


o         Water Which Can Condense


o         Hydrate Temperature Reduction


o         Methods of Injecting Inhibitors


o         Selection of Inhibitor


o         Fractionation Troubleshooting


o        Flooding


o        Dry Trays


o        Damaged Trays


o        Water in Hydrocarbon Column


o        Foaming


o        Condenser Fogging


 Trouble shooting in oil &gas plants.


o         Pipeline Cleaning


o         Environmental effects


o         Appendix


o         Rules of Thumb


o         Overview for petroleum Future -Statistics


o         Glossary of Terms


o         Units of Measurements


 Work shop and program evaluation


مده البرنامج :5 ايام




تاريخ البدء : 19/7/2012




للحجز الالكترونى :






شهادة هارفارد الدولية ببريطانيا بمسمى دبلومة

للحجز ولمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الاتصال بالعناوين التالية
المهندسين: 37 ش غزة – متفرع من ش الرياض – متفرع من ش السودان
ت             0020233035736      
موبيل : 00201113015715
فرع ( كلية التربية
شارع جيهان - أمام بوابة جامعة المنصورة ( الجلاء - تربية ), برج العشرى - الدور الاول علوى
ت/ 00201145178289
موبيل             0020502264691      

الموقع الالكترونى :
أو على الفيس بوك على الرابط التالى

المراسله عبر الأيميل:
[email protected]


أكاديمية المستقبل للتدريب




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More Details
[email protected]
07 / 10 / 2012
Egypt -El Dakahleya
QR code 4 mobile

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