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تكنولوجبا عمليات الإنتاج للزيت والغاز الطبيعى : اكاديمية المستقبل للتدريب


تكنولوجبا عمليات الإنتاج للزيت والغاز الطبيعى : اكاديمية المستقبل للتدريب




محاور البرنامج


The aim of this course is:-


o         To improve d elegates knowledge of the production technology of oil and gas


o         from the wellhead to the storage,


o         To improve delegates knowledge of the origins of oil and gas, the process


o         of exploring for hydrocarbons, the terminology & process of producing


o         petroleum.


o         To provide participants with the skills & knowledge required to understand


o         the nature, principles & operation of flowing wells.


o         To provides a fundamental of production operation and treatments.


Target Participants:


o         Production, Petroleum, and Chemical Engineers associated with


o         The oil industry& supervisors, technical personal in oil & gas field, Geologists


o         Chemists And Maintenance staff.




o        Fundamental of oil & GAS INDUSTRY.


o        Basic Terminology




1.2.2 Paraffin Series


1.2.3 Olefin or Ethylene Series


1.2.4 Acetylene or Alkyne Series


1.2.5 Diolefins Series


1.2.7 Naphthene Series


o        · Physical Properties of Hydrocarbon Systems


o        API Gravity.


o         Sulfur Content.


o        Pour Point.


o        Carbon Residue.


o        Salt Content.


o        Characterization Factor.


o        Nitrogen Content.


o        Introduction to Petroleum Geology


o        The Origins of Oil & Gas,


o        Petroleum geology,


o        Nature & formation of traps in which oil & gas are collected


o         Petroleum Exploration,


o         Introduction to petroleum Reservoir.


o        Overview for Oil Reservoirs


o        Reservoir Drive Mechanisms


o        Well Location, Spacing, and Production Rates


o        Well Testing


o        Well head operation


o         Overview for Exploratory Drilling


o         Development of Oil and Gas Fields


o         Introduction to Drilling Operations


o        casing &cement


o        Basics of Well Completion


o        Wellheads and gathering system


o        Perforating Operation


o        Overview for Offshore Platforms


o        Manifolds and Gathering


o        Oil &Gas production Operation Technology.


o        Prepared By Eng. M. ADHAM Page 3


o        Formation Damage and acidizing


o        Well Stimulation


o        Fracture


o        Artificial Lift Methods


o         E S P (Electric Subsurface Pump)


o        P C P Lift


o        Hydraulic lift


o        ROD Lift (Sucker Rod Pump)


o        GAS Lift


o        Gas Liquid Separation.


o        Separation Process


o        Principles of Separation


o        Phases Separation


o        Stage Separation


o        Separator Configuration


o        separators Classification


o        Separator Internals


o        Oil treatment.


o        Dehydration of crude oil


o        Desalting of crude oil


o        Overview for Gas processing


o        Field processing


o        Purposes of Natural Gas Plants


o        Types of Gas Plants


o        General Gas Plant Process Schemes


o        Sales Gas Specifications


o        Condensate Stabilization


o        Drain and Water Treatment Systems


o        Storage Tanks & oil measurements and transportation


o        Heat Transfer


o        Field Safety


o        Appendix


o        Energy content, statistics and pricing


o        Glossary of Terms


o         Units of Measurements


Work shop and program evaluation


مده البرنامج : 5 ايام




تاريخ البدء : 17/7/2012




للحجز الالكترونى :






شهادة هارفارد الدولية ببريطانيا بمسمى دبلومة

للحجز ولمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الاتصال بالعناوين التالية
المهندسين: 37 ش غزة – متفرع من ش الرياض – متفرع من ش السودان
ت             0020233035736      
موبيل : 00201113015715
فرع ( كلية التربية
شارع جيهان - أمام بوابة جامعة المنصورة ( الجلاء - تربية ), برج العشرى - الدور الاول علوى
ت/ 00201145178289
موبيل             0020502264691      

الموقع الالكترونى :
أو على الفيس بوك على الرابط التالى

المراسله عبر الأيميل:
[email protected]


أكاديمية المستقبل للتدريب




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More Details
[email protected]
07 / 10 / 2012
Egypt -El Dakahleya
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