Home Improvements : How to Paint a Room
Installing a laundry tub or set tub.Rough in measurements and plumbing code requirements..
Installing a laundry tub or set tub.Rough in measurements and plumbing code requirements..
Joining ABS pipe to copper on a drainage system and lived to tell about it.
How to repair a leaky outside faucet or spigot (hosebib).
Make sure your fittings are on.Too close for comfort.
Connecting Viega pipe using pro press tool.Hard to believe.
Old plumber retrieves jewelry out of a basin drain.
The Old plumber shows how to join copper fittings and pipe with new tool.
The Old plumber shows how to join copper pipe without soldering.
The Old plumber shows how to solder copper pipe properly.
Temporary way to feed water to a hot water heating system.