2009 CaseIH 335 Magnum Tractor with 560 hours sold on North Dakota auction today
1982 Allis Chalmers 4W-305 tractor with 4598 hours sold on Illinois auction 11/22/10
2002 JD 7410 Tractor with 2617 Hours on Missouri Auction Yesterday
1975 JD 6030 Tractor Sold for $40,000 on Iowa Auction
Used Tractor Market on Fire: 2001 JD 7810 Sold for $83,250
Online Auction Preview: December 10, 2010 Ironplanet.com
9530 vs D8N
Gabin 9530 John Deere
New John Deere 9530
John Deere 9530
John Deere 9100 big tractor and red field cultivator.