Writer and trained Nahed Kharashi talking about Time Line therapy program with Dr. Solomon Antar human development expert
Saw Mr. Essam Sharif in Time Line therapy program
Ray A / Ahmed Cherkaoui in Time Line therapy program
Dr. breezes Riad talking about a program known as Time Line Therapy and Dr. Solomon Antar human development expert
Ray d / Ahmed Antar j Time Line therapy program
Saw Mona Hammad Time Line therapy program
Coach age Barashid the talk about Time Line therapy program
Dr. Abdel Azim talking about Time Line therapy program
Coach Samer Guest talking about Time Line therapy program
Ahmed eagles coach is talking about Time Line therapy program with Dr. Solomon Antar human development expert
His wonderful insight into learning Time Line Therapy .. TLT ..
Dr. Haitham Abdel Moneim talking about Time Line therapy program