9° Rally Sprint del Palladio 2009 - p.s. 5 "Selva di Trissino"
F.R. Special Cars rally test
Budaev, Boris (UZB) vs Verkushin, Valeri (MKD)
Ota, Takuya (JPN) vs Kozyr, Igor (BLR)
Sergey Beloglasov : DuckUnder Fireman's Carry Chest to Chest 1/2
Peugeot 206 WRC Friulmotor test - Giaconia
Sergey Beloglasov : DuckUnder Fireman's Carry Chest to Chest 2/2
Marco Zannier - Stagione 2009
Sergey Beloglasov : Leg Attack Defense & Front Head & Arm 1/3
Italy - South Africa / Trasformazione meta
Sergey Beloglasov : Leg Attack Defense & Front Head & Arm 2/3
3° C.A.R. Rally Ronde Alpe Carnia 2009 - Rally Delle Polizie Europee