French Lesson 63 - Ask someone out on a date - Informal dialogue conversation + English subtitles
French Lesson 61 - Rent an apartment or a house - Formal Dialogue Conversation + English subtitles
French Lesson 59 - Les points cardinaux - Rose des vents (Cardinal directions - Compass Wind rose)
French Lesson 58 - Les animaux (Names of animals in French) + pronunciation
French Lesson 57 - Pronoms interrogatifs (Interrogative pronouns - Question words - Ask questions)
French Lesson 56 - Le conditionnel présent (Present conditional conjugation)
French Lesson 55 - L'indicatif imparfait (Indicative Imperfect tense conjugation)
French Lesson 54 - Les pays du monde (Names of countries of the world) O to Z + Pronunciation Flags
French Lesson 53 - Les pays du monde (Names of countries of the world) G to N + Pronunciation Flags
French Lesson 52 - Les pays du monde (Names of countries of the world) A to F + Pronunciation Flags
French Lesson 51 - Le passé composé (Compound past tense conjugation)
French Lesson 50 - Le futur proche (The near future tense)