Fierce Storm Hits NOLA, Floods Villalobos | Pit Bulls and Parolees
Police Rescue Malnourished Pup | Pit Bulls and Parolees
Tia and Team Rescue Manhattan Pit Bulls | Pit Bulls and Parolees
Tia on Personal Life and Expanding Villalobos | Pit Bulls and Parolees
Catching Two Monsters at Once | River Monsters
A Vicious Feeding Frenzy | River Monsters
Giant Vundu Caught Under Dam | River Monsters
Mekong Giant Catfish | River Monsters
Carnivorous Sharp-Toothed Catfish | River Monsters
How to Catch a Kaluga Sturgeon | River Monsters
Landing a Ferocious Black Caiman | River Monsters
Bull Shark in Australian River | River Monsters