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الثلاثاء 04 2025
اكاديمية المستقبل للتدريب :Advance Fluid Mechanics


اكاديمية المستقبل للتدريب :Advance Fluid Mechanics




محاور البرنامج


-          Basic Concepts, Properties of Fluids .and Classification of


-          Pressure, Fluid Statics, Buoyancy and Archimedes Principle.


-          Fluid Kinematics; Acceleration Field, Streamlines,  Pathlines, Streaklines, Translation and Rotation, Vorticity and Rotationality.


-          Conservation of Mass, General Energy Equation, Energy Analysis of Steady Flow, Bernoulli Equation, HGL and EGL, Applications.


-          Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems, Linear and Angular  Momentum Equations, Applications.


-          Flow through Pipes, Laminar and Turbulent Flows, The Entrance Region, Fully Developed Pipe Flow, Wall-shear stress, Pressure drop and Friction Factor, Minor Losses.


-          Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow, Conservation of Mass, The Stream Function, Conservation of Linear Momentum, Navier-Stokes Equation, Applications, Approximate Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equation


-          Flow over bodies; External Flow, Lift and Drag, CD of Common Geometries, Boundary Layer, Flat Plate Drag, Cylinder and Sphere Drag.


-          Compressible Flow, One-Dimensional Isentropic Flow, Isentropic Flow Through Nozzles, Shock Waves and Expansion Waves, Duct Flow with Heat Transfer and Negligible Friction, Adiabatic Duct Flow with Friction.


-          Open Channel Flow; Classification, Froude Number and Wave Speed, Continuity and Energy Equations, Best Hydraulic Cross Sections, Hydraulic Jump, Flow Control and Measurements.


-          Turbomachinery; Categories, Pump, Turbine, Compressor, Dimensional Analysis and Affinity Laws.


-          Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD);  Model Equations, Discretization, Grid Generation, Boundary Conditions, Solve, Post-Processing, Uncertainty Assessment, Examples


مده البرنامج :5 ايام




تاريخ البدء : 10/7/2012




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موبيل : 00201113015715
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موبيل             0020502264691      

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أكاديمية المستقبل للتدريب




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